Northwood Methodist’s Response to Syrian Refugee


We are inviting everyone to respond to the needs of Syrian refugees by:

1. Praying for refugees and those who make decisions for them.

Heavenly Father, you are the source of all goodness, generosity and love. We thank you for opening the hearts of many to those who are fleeing for their lives. Help us now to open our arms in welcome, and reach out our hands in support. That the desperate may find new hope, and lives torn apart be restored. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son, Our Lord, who fled persecution at His birth and at His last triumphed over death. Amen

2. Write – Here are some guidelines in as to what you might like to include in a letter to your MP and/or local councillor: http://www.refugee-action.org.uk/assets/0000/7648/How_to_Write_To_Your_MP.pdf

3. Give financially Eg through Christian Aid : https://donate.christianaid.org.uk/refugees

4. Give materially – Please bring donations of winter clothing, sleeping bags and tents to Northwood Methodist Church by Friday 25th September. This will from part of a collection from other churches and synagogues in Northwood, and will be sent to refugees in Calais.




Local Jewish and Christian faith leaders outside Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue on 7th September welcoming practical support of winter clothes, sleeping bags, and tents for refugees in Calais from the local community.

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