newsletter – Jan22

News of the Church Family


There are many known to us who need our prayers for strength and encouragement, even though they may not be named in this newsletter. Let us continue to pray daily for each and every one.


Thank you…

> to anyone who helped in any way towards the Tree Festival. We estimated about 400 people came to the Opening Ceremony. Though not essentially a money raising endeavour, more an attempt to involve the local community, particularly commercial outlets in the activities of the church, £946.00 was raised for church projects. This Festival has grown year by year and if we are to do it again next year, we would appreciate more help, from persuading shops to enter trees to serving refreshments, helping with publicity or clearing up afterwards. Well done those who were involved and many, many thanks. Shirley




* I intend to run some more confirmation/church membership classes starting very soon. Anyone interested in this to become a member or as a refresher course please contact me. Roger Dunlop

* The church flower list for 2015 is now on the noticeboard in Oasis. Please sign up for the dates you can offer to arrange or provide flowers. Thank you.

* The new readers list is on the notice board in Oasis. Please sign up for days you are able to read. Thank you.

Sunday 25th/ Jan: We have a local arrangement service on 25 January. If you would like to contribute to the service in any way please see Sue Lloyd.

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