Message from the Minister Letter 20 – Sunday 22nd November

Dear all,

I hope and pray that this letter finds you well.  This week we come to one of my favourite Sundays in the Christian calendar.  Christ the King Sunday when we look at Christ as King overall, this is traditionally just before the start of the period of Advent.  Why should we look at this subject now and what is the rationale behind it?  During Advent we traditionally look at the Second Coming of Christ which is when Jesus will return as the King of all and the victor, so it makes sense to examine the subject at this point. 

This year, the passage of Ephesians 1: 15-23 has been selected but as you peruse your Bible you will realise there are a great number of passages that refer to the kingship of Christ, how many can you find?  (I will give you the answer next week).  The passage in Ephesians is one of great encouragement as Paul is thanking the Ephesians for their love and faith in Christ and what a blessing it has been to him.  In his prayers to Almighty God, Paul is asking that the Ephesian church may be given the Spirit of God in abundance.  This will help give the believers both wisdom and revelation as to who God is and help them in their faith journeys.  Who in their right mind would turn down the gift of greater wisdom?  Imaging receiving that as a gift this Christmas, more wisdom, I think we all could do with a dose! 

The overarching aim of Paul’s plea to God is that the Ephesian Christians might know God better, well is that not that the aim of all Christians?  Isn’t that why; we say our prayers regularly, read our Bibles daily, study the scriptures often, and attend worship and fellowship frequently so that we might just do that?  The next part is my favourite that ‘The eyes of your heart are enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you’ (verse 18, italics my emphasis).  Knowing that truth deep down in our hearts, souls, our very beings is life transforming and life affirming.  For that truth, that hope, will set us free and release us into the life that God has called us. 

The final portion of the passage relates to the theme mentioned earlier and the kingship of Christ and how God raised Him from the dead and exulted Him to the highest place at His right hand in the heavenly realms.  How amazing is that talk about a promotion!  Christ is now above every rule and authority, power, and dominion not only in the present age but in the one to come.  In other words, His power and authority are unparalleled.  His reign is exquisite, eternal and without equal.  We worship and celebrate a King who is the greatest, not only yesterday but tomorrow as well and for all time.  This week may we all realise that we serve the greatest King and Kingdom that has ever existed in all humanity, and let us take our hope, joy, and confidence in that message in these uncertain days. 

May our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of all kings, Prince of all princes and the Lord of all lords, bless us now and always,

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