Author: Daphne

Messy Church Saturday 27th April

Fun activities, crafts including painting, suitable for 5-10s and younger children with a bit of adult help, followed by a short children’s worship and then a home cooked meal for…

Messy Church Saturday 30th June

Fun for all the family. Starts at 5.00pm with crafts and  activities on a theme of God's creation and taking care of it, suitable for ages 5-10 and  younger children…

Messy Church 30th September 5.00pm

  Fun Bible themed activities and crafts for families with children. Best suited for 5-10s but enjoyed by under 5s with help from leaders or mum and dad. Short celebration…

Messy Church

Saturday 24th June 5.00pm Messy crafts, activities, celebration and food. Activities mainly suitable for 5- 10 year olds but younger children can usually manage with help from mum and dad.…